August 25 2023 - September 05 2023
Exhibition Statement
The Room
From billions of rooms on Earth, this is one of them.
Existential psychotherapy divides human existential anxieties into four categories: loneliness, death, freedom, and meaninglessness. I wanted traces of these anxieties to be present in this series of my works.
Often, when we think about death, we see it as a specific moment when everything ends. However, as I reflected on depicting death, I realized that death and life define each other—they coexist. Death is present in every moment of life. When life feels lost, it’s these ordinary moments that gain value and become the ones we cling to. There is nothing happening in this room except the simple flow of life through ordinary moments.
In this series, I have depicted movement inspired by Eadweard Muybridge’s photographs. In this room, shadows—the parts of ourselves we even hide from ourselves—reveal themselves during moments of silence and solitude, moments we cannot escape from, except by stepping into the light.
A few months ago, I turned on the light in the room and, along with the sunflowers, sat each day to observe the shadows. Welcome to my room.
THE ROOM/ Installation view/ 2023 - HANIYEH DOOSTDAR
THE ROOM/ Installation view/ 2023 - HANIYEH DOOSTDAR
THE ROOM/ Installation view/ 2023 - HANIYEH DOOSTDAR
THE ROOM/ Installation view/ 2023 - HANIYEH DOOSTDAR
THE ROOM/ Installation view/ 2023 - HANIYEH DOOSTDAR
THE ROOM/ Installation view/ 2023 - HANIYEH DOOSTDAR
THE ROOM/ Installation view/ 2023 - HANIYEH DOOSTDAR
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